Hi ,
I am so excited to share this lesson with you, it’s a good one and it’s one where you need to apply the knowledge and not just read it because it will change your life.
But before I get to the lesson, let me tell you how it all began and if you can’t be bothered to read the lengthy email scroll down and go to the important lesson BUT if you do have time, do read on.
I was driving back after dropping my daughter off at school and you know when your mind just starts wandering, at one point I caught myself thinking about who really inspired me recently, I was quite surprised by the answer.
Weird where we can get our inspiration from at times but I could not stop thinking about them
It was Po and Koda – Who are they?
Well Po – He saved China you probably know him already & if you don’t you MUST look him up, I think you’ll love him
He is the famous panda THE DRAGON WARRIOR  from the movie Kung Fu panda 1 and 2.
There is this one scene that makes me smile every single time I watch it (because he is so silly, adorable, naïve and so wise all at the same time) I find that combination so refreshing and endearing. Thank GOD, not everyone is perfect.
So it’s the climax scene in Kung Fu Panda 2 and he is facing his enemy the peacock – who is CLEVER & EVIL as opposed to the panda whose SILLY & GOOD 
What I love about the scene is that in spite of the peacock’s attempt to destroy Po, the panda not only finds peace but also wants to help the bad guy find peace too.
That’s a pretty cool way to live I think – don’t you?
Hmmmmmmmmm! Maybe that’s what inner peace is all about – being good to people yes even the ones we believe are not deserving.
2. The other one who inspired me was Koda –no he is not a panda but he Is the little bear from the movie Brother Bear.
I love his optimism & his excitement. He’s just all LOVE and its contagious, you can’t help smile & can’t stop gushing when you watch him!
Koda reminded me that you don’t have to hang around happy people to have FUN – you can have FUN ANYTIME, ANYPLACE & WITH ANYONE.
 It’s a choice WE make!!!
If you want to succeed in business and life or want more friends or a better relationship or just want more fun
There is one secret you can learn from both the panda and the lil bearthey have 1 common trait that sets them apart  – can you guess what it is?
They are able to laugh at themselves
Not take themselves too seriously
Make friends easily
Ask for what they want
Can take rejection & bounce back and have the same energy and excitement and keep at it till they succeed
Cuddle someone & when pushed away go back and cuddle again till the other person has no
choice but to cuddle back
And Just love unconditionally
Now can you guess what the answer is?
The Answer is: They don’t have a BIG FAT EGO
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Matthew 19:14
If you and I started thinking like Po and Koda – imagine what would happen in our life and business.
And just maybe the world will indeed become a place Heaven would be proud of.
I’m excited just thinking about it and am going to try it myself.
I hope you do too.
Try what you may ask:

Get rid of the big fat EGO or maybe in your case it’s the small ego & keep it simple like the panda & the little bear.

One last thought I wanted to leave you with: Remember this when the ego is playing up
And as always I love writing to you. Have a wonderful week.