Spring is finally here – Yay!!!
Cherry blossom trees, beautiful flowers and walking around with a spring in your step are all the things I love about spring.
Well, I can’t give you much advice on cherry blossoms or flowers other than stop to admire the beauty. My knowledge of gardening is limited to admiring the beauty.
But I can help you walk around with a spring in your step if that’s what you want.
So this is how you do it:
Start by clearing the clutter – what does clutter have to do with your walk? Well, it does.
However, talking of clearing the clutter makes me want to go take a nap even before I can start the job.
So, if you’re like me, take your Power nap ( that’s what it’s called right?) and when you wake up, start with these 2 tips as it works
To clear both mental and physical clutter:
1. Start small – maybe start with one shelf or a drawer or if you want to clear the mental clutter start with clearing your refrigerator.
2.  Keep, Bin, Give away or Sell.
Keep what makes you happy and what you love (even if it’s decades old).
Bin the stuff that you hate or that makes you sad (Even if it’s brand new).
Give away or sell what does not make you happy anymore.
But is it ungrateful to bin or give away the hideous gifts I have been given over the years. Am I being unspiritual?
Well, if you’re calling the gifts hideous, then for sure give it away. 🙂
But, jokes aside, I don’t know, to be honest.
But what I do know is this:
When you STOP settling for crap/clutter and instead, you decide to own and do things that make you happy, this is what will happen.
You will have more:
COURAGE  – you will be really working that courage muscle because it takes guts to say, “This what I want and I’m not settling.” (And yes, it will be super liberating too).
Warning: A side effect of this is you may be accused of strutting around like a proud peacock.
CLARITY – a clean and clear space will help you think clearer.
YOU WILL BE WALKING  WITH A SPRING IN YOUR STEP: And yes, the best thing will be that you will be walking around with a skip in your step. Why?
Because you’ll know you’re treating yourself right!! Which, in turn, is going to make you a very happy & proud person.
And that’s how you should always feel about yourself, happy & proud. Because you are worth it, .
Hope this was helpful and as always I love writing to you & am so grateful for your time.
Live with passion always.
Your Dream coach