For God knew His people in advance, and He chose them to become like His Son so that His Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. And having chosen them, He called them to come to Him. And having called them, He gave them right standing with Himself. And having given them right standing, He gave them His glory.

– Romans 8: 29-30


Hi! My name is Indu.

I am a believer in Jesus and the beautiful new covenant God has made with those who seek Him.

I was guided to go from business to ministry by Jesus. And I’m so excited and honored to be serving those who are seeking a relationship with Him.

I can assure you that your life will not be the same as you enter into this incredible partnership with God. Can’t wait to serve you!

Who I Serve:

I have been called to do this by Jesus; in His name to help:

Heal the broken-hearted
Give His hope to the hopeless
Minister His healing to the sick
Bring those who are seeking Jesus into a new covenant with God.

Your Life Matters To God!

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With man it is impossible, but not with God.
For all things are possible with God.” – Mark 10:27

I have a dream, as a result of God’s hand on my ministry:

You will glorify God and put your faith in His Son, Jesus.

Broken hearts will be healed

The lost will find purpose and meaning.

You will refer to Jesus as ‘My Jesus’.

You will come into a new covenant with God and receive His blessings and know His love for you. (This will transform you inside-out)

The blind will see, the lame will walk, the sick will be healed (supernatural miracles) in Jesus’ name.

The ones who feel like they are cursed (with sickness, financial struggles, hopelessness) will leave feeling blessed.

Indu, thank you so much for the session yesterday. I’m still processing but I wanted to share this—I went to my bookshelf to get a Bible, then I picked up a prayer card to use to mark my place. It says, “I have all the patience, courage, and wisdom I need to follow the guidance of Spirit. I know the right path will be revealed, at the right time, and in the right way.” I have to say, Thank you, Jesus!

Thank you for a wonderful session on Friday. You left me with lots of things to ponder and I feel really good about what i learned. I look forward to continuing this conversation as I lean into my relationship with Jesus.

I just wanted to let you know how much I love your emails! Good for you – so many people are afraid to mention God and Jesus.
It’s about time……I am on the same page! So happy to read this.

Hello Indu,

I know it has been a while, but I have been wanting to write to you.

I have kept a little mustard seed on my desk, in a pretty China plate, as a consistent reminder that all the belief I need is the size of a mustard seed. It has brought great comfort and I think is very powerful! I also refer back to the scriptures you sent, which gives me so much courage when I know God is with me.
Our time together gave me the clarity I needed to move forward with my organizing business. It gave me the confidence that I’m on the right track, and this weekend I have my second client! Our time together played a vital role in me getting to where I am now. I am so grateful for your service, so thank you for being you!

Thank you so much, Indu – you’re such an inspiration. Thank you for being so perceptive to God’s voice!

God bless you and your ministry!!!

I didn’t sleep much last night as I realized that I’d finally found a way to get Jesus’ mes-sage(s) out.Thank you and Jesus for bringing this/these ideas to me.😘
Peace and love

Wow I did not want to get off the phone with you!! That was really were just right on with everything. I would love my husband to have a call with you…. I think it would be really powerful for him. He needs God. He is definitely open but has not been able to fully be open either.. I will have him email you to set up a phone call.

Thank you, Indu, this is beautiful:) I am so thankful for you:) my life has taken a whole new path since my healing session with you. I feel that I can trust that God has love and a plan for me and that I can relax a little bit and appreciate that my faith will guide me to the right next steps.
Thank you so much,

Indu, I’m reaching out to say thank you again. I woke up today and I feel like a complete-ly different person in that I feel like peace is my norm and worry is what happens intermittently. I can’t explain it but I don’t really care too lol. Thank you again as I am almost in awe of all of this, but I know Jesus works miracles regularly. Grateful that you are a loving and gracious conduit and that I get to work with you!

I didn’t mention this when we spoke on the 23rd, but your message came the day before I was scheduled for a screening mammogram. Something that I hadn’t done for 2 1/2 years primarily because of COVID.

Your message gave me great comfort, although, I admit I was nervous, but because of what you said that the Lord loves me and I am not to be afraid. I was not afraid. I knew he would be with me. I visualized that he covered me in a white light of a blanket and regardless of the outcome, I would be OK and not alone.

I was called back for a diagnostic mammogram and that appointment was today. All turned out OK. The anomaly that the screening mammogram found turned out to be a lymph node and not out of the ordinary.

I lifted up a prayer of appreciation and breathed a sigh of gratitude for our Lord’s message to me delivered by you.

Oh my gosh. I’m so happy. Thank you SO much for all of your insights and wisdom and words and scriptures and time with Jesus.

You are amazing and I love your ministry. I stand with you in it continuing to flourish in God’s Grace and goodness and abundance.


“You are meant to serve…and this is one small way to make a big difference. It’s not even you who will be responding…it’ll be Jesus!!! He’s always got your back. Always!”

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