
This is what Oprah said – that when extraordinary things happen in our lives, they often begin with ordinary days.

She was absolutely right, it happened to me.

It was just another ordinary Friday and I was sitting on my couch and had about 15 minutes before I started preparing for my next client. So I decided to check FB for the sixth time in 20 minutes and this time I noticed an unopened message.

It was from a client who had moved to Sydney, Australia  – I click on it and that’s when my ordinary day turned into extraordinary – as I read her message, I started a happy cry.

( you know the one where you’re so grateful and emotional so you’re smiling and crying at the same time , its kinda an ugly cry but you don’t care & you cant stop !!! )

You may be thinking,

“Why is she crying?”

Well, it’s because of the message sent below.

Hi Indu

I was walking through the streets of Sydney and saw this sign and had to photo it for you. It’s seemed so perfect.

Indu on Angel place. I hope you are well.  x​​


What she didn’t know was, I was in the process of changing my business model.

I was nervous; I had big dreams but I wondered

“Was it a dream/decision supported by Heaven or was it just me?”

So I asked heaven for a sign to show me I was on the right path with my business and like Jesus says,

“Ask and you shall receive.”

I got the message within 24 hours all the way from Sydney, Australia . The way forward is for sure backed by Heaven 🙂

Why did I share this with you: 


1. Just to remind you that you do not have to do this alone, please ask Heaven to help you.

If you’re struggling ask for a sign and trust that GOD will show you the right way.  

How do you ask for a sign: There is no right or wrong way.

I normally say a prayer and then look upto Heaven and ask them for a sign.

And you can do It your way. BUT you need to ASK In order to RECEIVE.

My wish for you today is to remember how extraordinary you are


May this quote always remind you that you are in good hands.

“If you knew who walked beside you at all times, on the path that you have chosen, you could never experience fear or doubt again.” Dr Wayne Dyer

Do keep an eye out for these emails as in a few weeks . I will be introducing some new changes in my business and I think you’ll love them.

Thank you once again for being a part of my business and life, I really love writing to you.

Have a great weekend,

You deserve it.

Much love

Indu x